Camp Meeting 2024
Make plans to join us for Camp Meeting 2024!
​The Lord is pouring out a "Resurgence of Power" as we celebrate the 15th year of Camp Meeting.
Grab a friend and plan on meeting us in Memphis, October 18-21, 2024.

2024 Prophecy: You Have Power
I have given you a position of power and authority, says the Lord. I have given you the power of My Holy Spirit to overcome everything that you face, to overwhelm the enemy that comes against your, and to be a strong person of courage that is armed and dangerous to the enemy. You are filled with My might and My glory and equipped to do GREAT ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR Me and My kingdom, says the Lord. I pour out a greater understanding of Jesus. I pour out power, so that you can lead more people to me. I pour out power, so that you may pray against the powers of darkness, in Jesus' name, and they will flee.
You can make the hard decisions, says the Lord. You can stand and contend for the faith you have been given. You can defeat the wicked one and enter your promised land of blessings. You can do the impossible, because I strengthen you, help you, embrace you, fortify you, stand with you, support you, empower you, and give you the wisdom, knowledge, counsel and understanding that you need in every situation you face. You can face the enemy head on with full confidence that he will run from you. The enemy has no power or ability to carry out his false threats against you. With God, you can conquer and overcome everything that comes your way. You will never be defeated. YOU HAVE POWER, says the Lord!​